
We work to ensure that politicians understand the issues that affect those who are lonely.

WaveLength’s advocacy has one goal: to stop loneliness affecting people who already have too much to cope with. We lobby the government to make sure vulnerable people’s needs are considered in media and entertainment. We take part in various forums and advisory groups, including the Loneliness Action Group and the Digital Television Group.

How we work with politicians

Here at WaveLength, we want to ensure that the voices of lonely, isolated, and vulnerable people are heard. How do we do this? We:

  • send letters about our work to politicians and policy makers and hold one-to-one meetings
  • draft parliamentary and Prime Minster questions, ensuring that we hold government to account on their progress meeting the loneliness agenda.
  • work in coalition with other groups, most notably the Loneliness Action Group

Loneliness Action Group

We work with a cross-party group of Parliamentarians who are committed to tackling loneliness through the Loneliness Action Group, co-ordinated by British Red Cross. The group is made up of MPs, peers from all parties. They work to drive forward cross-party work among parliamentarians to influence legislation and policy making in order to reduce loneliness and build on the work of the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness.

Digital Equality Group

WaveLength co-ordinates the Digital Equality Group, which works to ensure that all services, communications, and technologies are provided on an equal and accessible basis.

Our achievements

In 2017, we campaigned with women’s refuges around to the country to change the licensing rules for women’s refuges. Before, refuges had to pay for a license for individual rooms. Now, they pay for just one per refuge.

In 2018, we inputted into the government’s loneliness strategy, ‘A connected society: a strategy for tackling loneliness‘ and the ONS’s ‘National Measurement of Loneliness‘.

In 2009, we played a key part in the Help Scheme for the Digital TV Switchover.

Man with sons unpacking TV