Welcome to WaveLength
WaveLength is the UK’s leading loneliness charity giving media technology to those most in need.
WaveLength has been the leading national loneliness charity for 80 years, and has successfully helped to reduce loneliness through the provision of technology. WaveLength works at a local level through a network of partners on the ground to deliver help, comfort and contact to those most in need. This approach effectively ensures that every piece of technology that is donated is tailored to meet the demands of the beneficiaries.
WaveLength gives radios, televisions, and tablet computers to those in need across the UK. This technology can help to maintain and increase the number of meaningful connections people have in their lives and act as a window to the world. We support those who are lonely because of age, poor physical or mental health, who are isolated or by circumstances which make it hard for them to leave their home. The gift of technology helps bring people together, keep them informed, and breaks the silence which many lonely people live with on a daily basis. Our research with the University of York shows that it helps people to feel less lonely, happier, and healthier too.