This week we are announcing the addition of a new member to our Board of Trustees: Mr Barry Theobald-Hicks.
As well as being our latest trustee Barry is President of the Rotary Club of St Pancras, which shares our values of reducing loneliness by facilitating friendships and community. The Rotary Club hosts a weekly lunch in Central London where members can meet, get to know each other and make new friends in the city.
With regards to the announcement, Tim said “We are delighted that Barry is joining WaveLength as one of our Trustees. It’s great to have him on board, and fantastic that he is getting involved by visiting the projects we work with to get a flavour of the needs that are out there and the positive impacts of our work.”
The Rotary Club of St Pancras is part of a large global community which connects members from more than 200 countries across the world. Barry and the Rotary Club are keen to welcome new members to their weekly lunches, which are held every Tuesday at 12pm in the Kitchen N1 at 8 Caledonia Street.
If you would like to join the Rotary Club or attend one of their lunches, simply visit their website at