How radios fight loneliness

When we were set up in 1939, we gave our wirelesses to people who were bedbound. Today radios remain an important piece of technology, which breaks the silence of living alone. One of the main advantages of a radio is that there are no ongoing costs. This is particularly important, as many of the people we help have accumulated debt and do not want the ongoing commitment of paying a television license.

WaveLength Pure Branded Radio

Having a radio made me less anxious.

I have been street homeless, moving into my own accommodation with nothing was difficult. Having a radio made me less anxious, I have this on a daily basis. It has really helped my mental health.
Revolving Door Radio Stockholder.

The radio means I can create my own space.

It stops me thinking unwelcome thoughts. As it is digital it gives an excellent choice of listening. It is nice to have a change from reading and provides an oasis of calm.
Adam Outreach Project

Beneficiary at St George's Crypt with a WaveLength radio

The radio kept me company.

I am now leaving Hope House and hope to make a future with my partner, an I am leaving the radio behind in the room for the next man to have the company of it. I came from living in a tent so I am now leaving Hope House and hope to make a future with my partner, and I am leaving the radio behind in the room for the next man to have the company of it. I came from living in a tent so the radio let me listen to the music I love, and kept me company when I was in my room, as I didn’t know anyone in the house. I hope that it will continue to make the loneliness go away for the next man who has it.
Adam Outreach Project

Adam Outreach Radio

Fighting loneliness with: