WaveLength has a new volunteer, James, who writes below why he decided to volunteer for us.
James: ‘I currently work on an Information Technology customer Helpdesk, with specific responsibilities for writing the “Knowledgebase” documentation that the technicians use to troubleshoot customer problems, so I feel I’ve got good writing and literacy skills, paying particular care to write for the intended audience. This is particularly important in my area of computing where most end-users are not technically-minded and may well not understand terms like “reboot the machine”, or know their RAM from their ROM, for example.
I’d been looking for ways to “do my bit” and give something back to society for some time now, and stumbled across WaveLength’s request for proof readers whilst browsing volunteer opportunities online. What I liked about the role was that I could fit in the work as it suited me… something that was important, as I’ve just become a Father for the first time to my beautiful daughter Evie… along with the very nature of their work. Having been stuck at home alone for weeks during a long-term illness a few years ago, I can’t imagine not having a radio to listen to, just to simply hear another human voice, and so applaud the good work they do in giving those less able the means to tune back into life again’.
Everyone at WaveLength wants to congratulate James on the birth of his beautiful daughter and looks forward to working with him.