Individual Application Form

Before making an application, please read the Guidance Notes to confirm that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria, and to see what information and documents are required.

To begin your online application click here

If you would prefer to complete a paper application form, please email [email protected] with the email heading: I need a paper form

If you require assistance, please email [email protected] or call our office on 01223 776 770 and we’ll be happy to assist..

Who can refer a beneficiary?

The Crypt Radio

Unfortunately, people who are related to or employed by the individual cannot refer them. However, people who can act as referrers include:
– a friend or neighbour
– a social worker
– a care worker or medical worker
– a housing officer
– a charity worker or volunteer
– a member of a religious or community organisation

If you’re not sure whether you qualify, as a beneficiary or a referrer, call us on 01223 776 770 or email [email protected].

If you would like to refer somebody to WaveLength, please read the guidance notes and fill in our application form.

WaveLength tablets

We aim to reply to all applications within six weeks. Please make sure that all necessary supporting documents are included, and that the forms are signed. We do ask that applications include proof of ID, such as a copy of a birth certificate or passport. However, if these documents aren’t available, we recommend contacting the birth certificate replacement service on 0300 123 1837.

A note on TV licenses

It is important to note that we don’t usually pay TV licence fees, so the recipient of a TV will need to purchase their own. They can do this by calling 0300 790 6138, or visiting the TV Licensing website. If a beneficiary can’t afford their own licence, it may be best to request a radio instead. In exceptional cases, however, we may pay for licences for people with very limited incomes and severe inability to leave their homes.